Saturday, May 21, 2016

Once Upon A Time (Season 5)

Note: The three posts (on OUAT Season 3, 4 and 5) were written on different days but posted on the same day.

Let's start.

While the last post might have been light, happy and positive, this one might have a lot of complaints. Mostly about the characters. Again let me walk you through the plot of the fifth series (for this to at least make a bit more sense go ahead and watch the first 4 seasons or read the “review” from season 1 because I pretty much spoil the main plot everywhere):

Basically it’s about Emma fighting her battle against the dark ones who  she is now. The show now was set in Camelot and you know what that means: yes, it’s the legend of the sword in the stone. Merlin turned out to be young in the series but I'll get back to this later, and Arthur turned to be a villain who was obsessed with power. Yes, welcome back OOC-ness. Anyway, the heroes tried to save Merlin (yes it's apparently Merlin who needed the saving).

Oh just putting this out here because. This is Arthur (blonde) and Merlin (dark-haired) from Merlin the series (yes I know I know let's all take a deep cleansing breath alright)

Look, I don't really care to explain what happened in detail because it was all pointless. Here's what you need to know:

1- Emma became the Dark One, heroes tried to save her by saving Merlin but somehow got distracted and Emma did the job herself with Regina. During the process of eliminating darkness, Hook was dying and Emma got obsessive and annoying she made him the Dark One. When he was the Dark One, he was dark (lol the description tho) yada yada yada in the end love won and he sacrificed himself he died.
2- Rumplestiltskin was also, even more annoying he took the darkness and became the Dark One once again because he couldn't let go of his obsession. Emma found this out and figured Hook’s death was not fair. So the heroes went underworld to get him back.
3- Hades was the new villain but was defeated by Zelena (yes she's still here).
4- Rumple and Belle were expecting a baby. Hades was threatening them with it so Belle put herself in a sleeping curse. He couldn't wake her up because Belle didn't want to be with him anymore (I really don't blame her).
5- Peter Pan appeared but became the lost soul. I'm sad.
6- OH AND THE BLIND WITCH IS BACK. I never thought as a supporting character she'd come back I honestly love her character how creepy that may sound.

I'm just going to point out a few things (mostly about the Sword in the Stone part):

Again, there are many versions of the legend, but I simply love Disney’s original, so I love the fact that Merlin was funnily intelligent behind his clumsy acts and Arthur was innocent and pure as he was still a boy, and being the king under Merlin’s supervision, it'd mean he was a born leader. Another favourite of mine is Merlin the series, which shows Arthur as a narcissist, handsome and secretly caring, responsible leader of Camelot. It'd be nice if the Arthur in OUAT was the chosen one as he was meant to.

Me to OUAT Arthur 

Arthur from TSITS look how precious 

Merlin was otherwise a handsome, young man lol. This doesn't affect me much though since many of the twists made him one. I’d still prefer him being old and wise, and more importantly, as he should be, the most powerful sorcerer of the lands. In the series, I only see him calm and knowing, but not enough to show why he's a big deal aside from that he could see the future. I'd imagine him more like the apprentice. Merlin’s appearance in the series was really as a tree, transformed back to human form, shared his unreliable prophecy and was proven to have predicted many errors, and was then killed by darkness. For a powerful sorcerer, he sure was easily defeated it’s ridiculous and disappointing.

Lol I love Merlin

I had to add this one from one of the funniest episode from Merlin the series where he pretended to be an old man oh Merlin  (he was Arthur's servant in the series for this pic to be funny) 

I only realised I haven't said ridiculous or even thought of it during season 4 when season 5 happened.

I'm really sorry but I’ve confirmed that I really don't like Emma Swan, the character. And is it bad that I wish Hook didn't return to life? Yes, after he died twice, and finally went to Olympus he came back alive. That annoyed me so much. Not just because I don't agree with the pairing, but because it's simply annoying. Plus now that he was dead twice, it would be less effective if he was to die for real which I guess they won't have anywhere in the series. I don't like how Emma became this compulsive girlfriend who couldn't accept the fact, and menyusahkan urang.

Me most of the time when Emma does something stupid.

The next thing is Rumple. Good god you know how many times I've cursed him in my mind in Malay? He's infuriating, that's what he is. I wish he would let go of his obsession for power and if only he did, he'd have a happy ending with Belle. Now, he sucked the town’s magic for his own purpose. He's selfish, and becoming even more selfish I'm starting to hate him. Yes hate is a strong word. I still love Robert Carlyle, and because he's that talented I've come to despise his character, as I should.

I don't think there's anything more that frustrated me. It seems that the writers lost the plot this season but it’s 5/10 for me because it still is intriguing in its own way and confuses me that I watched it to the end of the season, so yeah still worth watching. Now we wait for the next season and I'll be back with the "review" after that.


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